Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living
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Assessment Panel of the Innovation and Technology
Fund for Better Living


2023-05-01 to 2025-04-30


Permanent Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry


Ms CHIU Yin Mee, May
Ms FONG Tsz-ying
Dr LAM Sum
Ms LEE Yuk-chi, Josephine, M.H.
Dr NG Chak-chuen, Charles
Mr OR Chong-shing, Wilson, M.H.
Dr WAN Ho-nam, Kelvin
Ms WOO Oi-chi, Joelle
Ir Dr YEUNG Kai-kin, Herbert

Ex-officio Members

Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (or representative)
Commissioner for Digital Policy (or representative)


Senior Manager (R&D Centres)2

Terms of Reference

  1. To assess applications under the Innovation and Technology Fund for Better Living ("FBL") and decide whether they should be approved
  2. To determine the amount of fund granted to each approved application
  3. To monitor the progress of approved applications
  4. To promote and encourage participation in the FBL
  5. To advise on matters relating to the operation of the FBL